elaya hotel kleve
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elaya hotel kleve
elaya hotel kleve
Bensdorpstraße 3, 47533 Kleve, Germany

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24 Nov 2024
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class="booking-title-info">Check-In: </b> <span class="notranslate">23 Nov 2024</span><br/> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-Out: </b> <span class="notranslate ">24 Nov 2024 </span><br/> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__rooms-list rooms_amount_1"> <i class="fa fa-users"></i> <b class="booking-title-info rooms_amount_label"> Rooms: </b><span class="rooms_amount_number">1</span><br/> <div class="search-item"> <span class="booking-title-info"> Room 1: </span>1 Adults , 0 Children <br> </div> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__new-search"> <button type="submit" class="booking-button booking-button--action" id="modify-button">Price Calendar</button> </div> <!-- TODO: remove inline styles --> <div class="booking-widget"> <div style="float:left"> <h1 class="booking-widget__title">Modify search</h1> </div> <div style="float:right"><a class="booking-widget__close-button">X</a></div> <div id="motor_reserva"> <!-- booking engine 2 --> 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white;padding-left: 55px;"> Unfortunately there is no availability at the selected hotel on the requested dates. You might be interested in the following hotels in the same location. Thank you very much! </div> </div>
Hotel pictures 4
elaya hotel kevelaer
Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel kevelaer

Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Parking
  • EV charging
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel kevelaer connects tourists, business travellers and pilgrim to attractions in the local area, bringing together nature and modern architecture and delivering friendly customer service in a setting with a cool design in the Lower Rhine region. 
The elaya hotel kevelaer on the outskirts of the pilgrimage site of Kevelaer attracts attention from the outside. The clean look of the hotel front stands out right next to the Solegarten St. Jakob thermal resort, inviting people to enter and see what it looks like on the inside. The lobby, rooms, suites and meeting space have a clear visual identity, which creates a relaxed ambience with a warm, inviting lighting concept centred on natural light. Natural shades of brown, beige and grey set the tone, with green accessories cleverly selected to bring the vast green space just outside the door into the hotel’s interior. The blend of outside and inside carries on in the restaurant with its huge window fronts and terrace.
Hotel pictures 3
Super 8 by Wyndham Oberhausen
Brammenring 111, 46047 Oberhausen, Germany
2,1km from city center| View map
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Super 8 by Wyndham Oberhausen

Brammenring 111, 46047 Oberhausen, Germany
2,1km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Parking
  • EV charging
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The Super 8 by Wyndham Oberhausen is located in the new middle, the urban center of Oberhausen. In immediate proximity to the hotel is Europe’s biggest shopping mall, the Centro. Besides, its central location the highlights of the hotel are the stylish guest rooms, a breakfast restaurant, a coffee shop, as well as extra goodies, such as free highspeed Wi-Fi or the bicycle rental.
Hotel pictures 5
elaya hotel oberhausen
Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel oberhausen

Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Garage
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
Whether you stay in a hotel room or an apartment with kitchenette, you’ll feel right at home at the elaya hotel oberhausen. Our practical amenities and social setting strike the perfect balance between work and play.
Some of the guests at the elaya hotel oberhausen are staying in hotel rooms and others are in apartments. But all that really matters is that they’re all enjoying their time with us whatever they’re doing in Oberhausen. We work hard to meet the wants and needs of tourists, business travellers and long-term guests in our elegant hotel setting by providing everything they need, from kitchenettes in the apartments and a laundry room to a social kitchen as an informal place to meet and chat. Relying on the most important meal of the day for a strong start? Head to our restaurant and we’ll take care of the rest.